jk:APP 15

Apps for personal management

vesmír, zelený pruh

Income and expense management

Perfect management of income and expenses. Overviews, charts and statistics for each month and year. Support for bank accounts and income and expenses groups. Input data anywhere using the desktop and mobile interface.

vesmír, červený pruh

Project and work planning

Simple and elegant management of clients, projects and tasks. Work and task scheduling, prioritization and reporting with statistics. Support for task workflows and working roles to distinguish the type of work.

vesmír, žlutý pruh

Time and event planning

Unique planning for time and events based upon Eisenhower's principles of importance and urgency. Weekly time scheduling, event templates, priority and weekly overviews. Checklists and checklist templates.

vesmír, azurový pruh

Business and invoicing

Client and supplier management. Easy invoicing either with or without VAT. Invoice item management, invoice preview and print. Tax evidence incomes and expenses, minor asset records. Integration with budget and shared modules.


Contact data

+420 728 151 763
josef [at] kunhart [dot] eu

contact form

Created by

Ing. Josef Kunhart, MBA
Bohušovická 486/9, 190 00, Prague 9
Tax ID: 04537939, VAT eligible



Josef Kunhart
Bohušovická 486/9, 190 00 Prague 9

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